Session-backed classes free you from this problem, give you a nice quasi-OO wrapper over the session, centralize access to the variables, and even provide intellisense when you are developing against them. Additionally, since creating a session-backed class is a trivial process, you can spend about an hour and create a session-backed class generator to take out the grunt work.
Let's look at the fundamentals you need for a session-backed class:
1) You need a new class that will represent a logic unit (a user, an employee, a sale)
2) You need a constructor to take a reference to your session management; this is optional if you want to assume you can use the current HTTP context
3) You need a list of properties that will be made available by this class
4) A best practice is to use a prefix for the variables to allow the values to be easily grouped, and to clearly show what class created the variables
Now, let's take a look at some session-backed class code. Here is a simple class with one property, making use of the current HTTP context for session management:
Public Class Employee
Public Property Name() As String
Return HttpContext.Current.Session(Prefix & "Name")
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
HttpContext.Current.Session(Prefix & "Name") = value
End Set
End Property
Private Function Prefix() As String
Return "Classes.Employee."
End Function
End Class
That's really all there is to it. Referencing this variable from anywhere else in your application will give you a great OO-style interface into the session:
SessionValue = Employee.Name
Meanwhile, you are not responsible for any additional code behind the scenes to serialize and deserialize the object, which is perfect for classes that are working with values used by legacy apps that call directly into session (i.e. apps that you can't easily change).
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